Friday, February 17, 2012

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy -- A Poem by Mary K. Wiebe

     Wow! February and only two posts! I haven't really gotten out to the movies lately, and I've been bogged down with the work from my math course. Not that I haven't wanted to see movies. Just haven't had the time, is all. But recently, while being bored at work, my mom came up with a poem about the movie Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. I was having a bad day, and it made me laugh, because it's exactly how I felt about the failed "thriller" attempt. Hope you enjoy the literary masterpiece. (I'm going to make her submit it to magazines)

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
watched the movie, thought I'd die
sitting in a theater dark
I start to think,"Where did I park?"

Can't see the point of watching this
should have been the one I missed
wonder why they thought it good?
probly make it longer, if they could

Ah it's coming to an end
my life will start to move again
I shall not recommend this flick
I would rather face a tic

So listen wisely to my words
this one's out there with the birds
so cut and dry I hope it dies
and stays away from my poor eyes.

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